Url Pubblico https://www.my-band.it/bloodyguns




In Breve

Biografia Torino, TO Rock WWW

Biografia - BLOODY GUNS

In un tempo in cui la musica era sepolta dal grunge, new-metal e da fottute boy-band vomitanti gorgheggi alla britney spears a tempo di falso hip e trip-pop, i Bloody Guns hanno riportato il rock feroce e sporco dei Guns'n Roses sul palco. Italia, Torino. Ambient e hippy-grunge pop dominavano la scena, e la musica live stava morendo, mentre la moltitudine degli orfani del rock aspettava... I Bloody Guns nascono nel 1999 da un’intuizione di Crash (lead guitar) e Michael Sex (lead vocals)...da quel fottuto momento si sono messi alla ricerca di musicisti di talento (Loud, bass guitar, Snakepit, rhythm guitar e la drum machine Reef), dozzine di live e un entusiasmante riscontro di pubblico. La particolarità dei Bloody Guns è sempre stata la loro reputazione live, e l’oltraggiosa capacità di adattarsi ad ogni singolo, dimostrandosi ruvidi su "My Michelle", "Welcome to the Jungle" e improvvisamente grezzi ma al tempo stesso raffinati durante la voluttuosa “Sweet Child of Mine”. Il loro spirito inquieto esplode negli show suonando il rock'n'roll piu’ selvaggio (Appetite for For Destruction, 1987), fino ai singoli di Use Your Illusion, con assoli fedeli all’originale e una sezione ritmica impressionante e potente. Hanno appetito per i live...quindi...venite a vederli,,,se osate...!!  At a time when rock music was buried by grunge, new-metal and fuckin' boy-band vomiting false hip and trip-pop britney spearing gargles, Bloody Guns brought back the dirty Guns'n Roses ferocius rock on the stage. Italy, Turin. Ambient and hippy-grunge pop dominated the scene and live music was dying, while the moltitude of orphans of rock was waiting... Bloody Guns were formed in 1999 by Crash (lead guitar) and Michael Sex (lead vocals)...since that fuckin' time, recruiting musicians sounding like hell (Loud, bass guitar, Snakepit, rhythm guitar and the drum machine Reef), dozens of live shows, reviews and audience excitement... The appeal of Bloody Guns has always been their live reputation and their outrageous skill to shape to every single played, proving to be raw and dirty on "My Michelle" and "Welcome to the Jungle" and suddenly getting gritty but fine playing the famous and licentious “Sweet Child of Mine”. Their reckless spirit is still on the run performing in their current show the most obscene and savage rock'n'roll (Appetite for For Destruction, 1987), to the voluptuous and challenging Use Your Illusion singles played with dueling guitar riffs worthy of the originals and an astonishing rhythm section that keeps the music loose and powerful. They have appetite for live...so come and see Bloody Guns...if you dare...!!
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